Any single adult that is not cohabitating with a partner may also be eligible for adoption.Utah permits adoption by couples that are legally married to one another, including adoption by a stepparent.This law is designed to help eliminate potential adoption fraud, which is when the birthmother doesn’t notify the birthfather of her impending pregnancy. These paternal notices would be filed to unmarried biological fathers and the court would take financial and emotional support into consideration when determining if the father is guilty of abandonment of the child. 282 – This requires the state’s registrar to investigate creating a national putative father registry. 183 – This requires the Office of Licensing to implement ethical rules and regulations that relate to prohibiting adoption agencies and their employees from offering, stating or providing misleading or false information. 155 – This makes any post-adoption contract, as related to children adopted from state custody, completely enforceable. 31 – This law states that a family that adopts a special needs child after January 13, 2013, is eligible for a tax credit up to $1,000. They work with both open adoption and private adoption services. They do not utilize the traditional foster care system but focus on direct placements. Heart to Heart is a Utah adoption agency that works with women who have unplanned pregnancies.